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School Uniform

School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging
within the school. These factors contribute to children’s wellbeing, removing the additional
pressures of deciding what to wear and added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers.

At St Andrew’s we use two local suppliers of uniform, AVM Schoolwear and E-Squared Clothing

The vast majority of our uniform can be purchased more widely and we also have regular second hand uniform sales.

KS1 and Reception

• white polo shirt, woollen jumper or cardigan (with or without logo)
• grey trousers, short or skirt/pinafore
• grey or white socks
• black shoes
• Summer – white and blue checked dress may be worn
• PE kit – light blue T-shirt (with or without logo), blue or black shorts or skorts and
trainers. A blue, black or grey tracksuit may be worn in colder months
• blue or black hair ties
• no jewellery is preferred – small stud earrings and/or a small cross on a chain may
be worn under consideration of loss or injury.


• white shirt, school tie, woollen jumper or cardigan (with or without logo)
• grey trousers, shorts or skirt/pinafore
• grey or white socks
• black shoes
• Summer – white and blue checked dress may be worn
• PE kit – light blue T-shirt (with or without logo), blue or black shorts or skorts and
trainers. A blue, black or grey tracksuit may be worn in colder months
• blue or black hair ties
• no jewellery is preferred – small stud earrings and/or a small cross on a chain may
be worn under consideration of loss or injury.

Please could all items be labelled with children’s names to avoid confusion.