School Meals
The current price is £3.35 per meal for KS2 children. Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 are entitled to a free school meal daily.
Lunches are cooked on the premises and offer a varied and balanced choice of fresh food. Parents should inform the School of any allergies.
Meals must be paid for in advance at the beginning of the term (either by paying weekly or half-termly). If lunch money accounts are more than £20 in arrears and payment is not received within 10 days of the invoice date, then the School may stop providing your child with any further school meals.
You can find out more about Hertfordshire Catering Limited by visiting
Food allergies, intolerances and special dietary requirements
HCL can offer specifically adapted menus for selected food allergies, intolerances and some cultural choices. There is a new, online application service that simplifies applying for a special diet menu at:
Please ensure that school is kept informed of any special dietary requirements, allergies or intolerances.
Packed Lunches
Children may bring a packed lunch to school in a named container. Drinks may be brought from home but not in a glass bottle or can. Please do not include sweets and please do not include any nuts as we are a nut free school.
Fruit and Snacks
The School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) is a government programme that provides school children aged 4-6 a piece of fruit or vegetable each school day. The scheme is funded by the Department of Health on behalf of the tax payer. All children in EYFS and KS1 are entitled to a piece of fruit at morning break.
Children in KS2 are also encouraged to bring in fruit for a morning snack but please do not bring in sweets, chocolate bars or any nuts as inevitably the school will from time to time have children on roll who are allergic to nuts so we do try to keep the school nut-free.
Milk is made available to all children in school. School milk is free for all under-fives and is subsided at around £15 a term for children aged five or older. Children entitled to free school meals on income grounds are also eligible for free school milk.
By registering your child for our school milk scheme they will receive a 189ml (third of a pint) carton of semi-skimmed milk which is delivered fresh and chilled to their classroom every day.
Milk is ordered through Cool Milk.
For more informtion please and to register for school milk, please visit or contact Cool Milk directly on 0844 854 2913.
Free School Meals
If you receive income support you may be entitled to free school meals. Please contact the school office for further information, visit:
or telephone Hertfordshire County Council on 0300 123 4048.