Curriculum Overview
The Curriculum at St Andrew’s is broad and balanced, engaging and inspiring. It combines the 2014 National Curriculum and the EYFS Curriculum, alongside SMSC and events and community links that help prepare children for the next phase in their education and for life in Modern Britain. Our Curriculum is underpinned by Christian Values, growth mind …
Early Years
St Andrew’s EYFS Vision Statement Our vision in Early Years at St Andrew’s is to meet the needs of each individual child. We work hard to ensure we promote and celebrate independence, difference and inclusivity. We believe there are no glass ceilings for our children and work as a strong team to provide a nurturing …
Art and Design
At St. Andrew’s, our Art and Design curriculum encourages our children to be insightful and enthusiastic artists who feel able to think and act creatively. We want our children to grow to appreciate and value the importance of a variety of art forms, skills, and artists, as well as develop their own opinions and responses …
A carefully planned programme of Computing is taught throughout St Andrew’s, which promotes computational thinking and creativity. There are three main strands of the Computing curriculum: information technology, digital literacy and computer science (including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation). The computing curriculum has computer science at its core, which links closely with mathematics, science …
At St. Andrew’s we strive to provide our pupils with an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. Through teaching the Primary Mathematics curriculum we aim to ensure that our pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, that they will be able to …
Design and Technology
At St. Andrew’s, our Design and Technology curriculum teaches children how to design and produce imaginative and creative products that can solve relevant problems within a variety of contexts. We want our children to develop skills in technical and practical situations whilst also learning how to navigate them safely. We aim for our children …
At St. Andrew’s, we pride ourselves on creating an environment that encourages and embraces a love of learning. We aim to provide a stimulating environment, using a range of rich texts to teach all elements of English. Using our end point documents, we ensure that the children are taught relevant subject content, supporting and challenging …
We love Geography at St Andrew’s! We offer an engaging geography curriculum that is often linked to our termly topics and offers opportunities for creativity and exploration, The children extend their knowledge of Locational knowledge Place knowledge Knowledge of human & physical geography Geographical skills and fieldwork and develop a wide range of geographical skills …
Physical Education
At St Andrew’s School the teaching and learning of PE is an important part of our school vision ‘Life In All Its Fullness – Come And See ‘. Our PE curriculum, along with our participation in wider sporting events and extra- curricular clubs provide daily opportunities for all our children to live out many of …
At St Andrew’s we teach French to all Key Stage 2 children as part of the normal school curriculum. We believe that many children really enjoy learning to speak another language and that the earlier a child is exposed to a foreign language, the faster the language in question is acquired. We also believe that …
Our rich History curriculum is based on the historical knowledge, skills and vocabulary that each child will acquire during their time at St Andrew’s. Teachers plan exciting lessons and activities to develop: Topic knowledge – for pupils to engage meaningfully with the past, they need knowledge of the period/place/society they are studying. Chronological knowledge – …
At St. Andrew’s, the teaching and learning of Music is an important part of our vision: ‘Life in All its Fullness – Come and See’. Music has the power to bring our school community together and can be creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging. Teaching and Learning Music lessons at St. Andrew’s follow the Charanga Music …
Jigsaw is a spiral, progressive and effective scheme of work, aiming to prepare children/young people for life, helping them really know and value who they are and understand how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world. Jigsaw PSHE perfectly connects the pieces of Personal, Social and Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and …
Religious Education
A carefully planned programme of Religious Education based on The Suffolk Agreed Syllabus and The Emmanuel Project is taught throughout the school. Teaching about the Christian religion has a major role. The children also have many opportunities to study other world faiths. Our pupils learn about religion through stories, books, drama, music, dance, film clips, …
At St Andrew’s we aim for all our children to develop an interest and passion for science, equipping them with scientific knowledge that enables them to understand the importance Science plays in their everyday lives, today and for the future. It enables children to question, challenge and broaden their thinking and deepen their knowledge and …
Knowledge Organisers and Skills Wheels
To help our children focus on the key learning for each year group and remember it, the staff at St Andrew’s have devised bespoke Knowledge Organisers and Skills Wheels. The children are very proud as they see and feel their skills and knowledge grow as they progress through the school. Knowledge Organisers Our Knowledge Organisers …