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Physical Education

At St Andrew’s School the teaching and learning of PE is an important part of our school vision ‘Life In All Its Fullness – Come And See ‘.

Our PE curriculum, along with our participation in wider sporting events and extra- curricular clubs provide daily opportunities for all our children to live out many of the school’s Christian values such as respect, justice and friendship.

Through providing positive experiences, we aim to encourage a lifelong interest in physical activity that is essential to both health and mental wellbeing.

Each class has an average of 2 hours PE a week, taught 50/50 with a specialist PE teacher and their class teachers. We provide a broad and balanced programme of PE and sport with activities designed to be enjoyable, vigorous, purposeful and regular. Using our end point documents we ensure that the children are taught relevant subject content, supporting and challenging them where appropriate. Our curriculum includes, athletics, dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and outdoor education .

EYFS Physical development is catered for every day during CIL (child initiated learning) includes gross and fine motor learning opportunities. In addition dedicated direct teacher input is 30 minutes per week for nursery and an hour for Reception.

KS1: Children master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility, and co-ordination and begin to apply these in a range of activities.

KS2 Children continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learning how to use them in a range of different sports and activities. They enjoy collaborating, competing and communicating with each other, and develop an understanding of how to improve and recognise their own success. Opportunities in Year 5 and 6 to participate in our annual residential visits to Outdoor Education Centres in Norfolk and Dorset are on of the highlights of the PE calendar.

School Games – PLATINUM AWARD!

We are proud to announce that we hold the highest award for our outstanding PE in school – the School Games Mark Platinum Award!

The School Games Mark is a government led award scheme to reward schools for their commitment to keeping young people active and creating positive experiences that support character development of all our children across the school and into the community.

Extra- Curricular Clubs

There is a wide variety of extra- curricular clubs available to all children across the school and take place during lunchtimes and after school, including our Daily Mile Running Club, Netball, Football, Performing Arts, Tennis, Athletics, Cricket, Art and Speed Stacking.


As members of the Birchwood Sports Partnership, there are many opportunities for our children to take part in a variety of sporting competitions and festivals with other local schools. We aim to provide every child the opportunity to represent their school at these events.

Our close links with Leventhorpe High School ensure that there are additional sporting festivals that we attend including Tag Rugby, Cross Country, Rounders and Netball.

Active Playtimes

Our beautiful and spacious grounds enable the children to be active during playtimes, whether it’s climbing on our new trimtrail, running around the track on the field or playing 4 square or ball games on the court, there is always plenty to do.