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School policies cover every aspect of school life. Here are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

In October 2012, The Department for Education produced a ‘Statutory Policies for Schools’ document, which outlines the policies and other documents governing bodies are legally required to hold. The Governing Body of St Andrew’s Primary School used this guidance to create a new policy review schedule.

School policies include:

  • Teaching and Learning;
  • Assessment;
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities;
  • EYFS;
  • Attendance;
  • Behaviour;
  • Anti-bullying;
  • E-Safety;
  • Child Protection;
  • Health and Safety;
  • Performance Appraisal;
  • Safer Recruitment;
  • Charging and Remissions;
  • Fund Account;
  • Governor Allowances;
  • Governor Visits.

All school policies are available, either electronically or in paper form without charge, upon request.