The Friends of St Andrew’s aim to raise £10,000+ every year to supply the children with the extras the school is unable to provide. We organise the Summer Fete and Christmas Fayre, plus year round fundraisers like quiz nights, ice cream sales, school discos etc.
Over the past few years the Friends have funded or part funded; KS2 laptops, computer maintenance, visualisers, Parentmail, curtains in the hall, wooden huts in the playground, some school trips and playground equipment.
If you would like to join the Friends of St Andrew’s the only criteria is that you are a parent of a child currently attending the school. We welcome new members at any time and always need help either year round or just as a one off when we have an event. If you are interested in joining our friendly team please email If you are a new parent at the school please come along to meet new friends and see what you can do to support your school.
Link to the Friends’ Facebook page including forthcoming events can be found here …. FACEBOOK
Friends of St Andrew’s School email address