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Heart for the Earth

At St Andrew’s, caring for God’s creation by looking after the environment is so important. Through our whole school and class worship times and as part of our lessons inside and out of the classroom we learn how to care for the planet on both a local and global scale.

Heart for the Earth resources

We have used the Heart for the Earth resources from the Diocese as a focus for our Collective Worship times. Pupils have been encouraged to use their ‘heads, hearts and hands’ to respond to the Climate Change crisis.

School Travel Plan

St Andrew’s is committed to supporting safe and and sustainable travel to and from school and we are proud to have achieved the Modeshift Stars School Travel Plan accreditation. The children have taken part in a range of fun and engaging activities including Air Pollution Workshops, Air Quality Monitoring and both the Be Bright, Be Seen and The Big Walk and Wheel travel initiatives.

The children have been encouraged to be ‘Eco Warriors’ and advocate for the future of the World. This has included taking part in a peaceful protest outside school to discourage cars idling outside the school.

You can watch a video about the impact of the Heart of the Earth resources here at St Andrews using the following link: