At St. Andrew’s we strive to provide our pupils with an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Through teaching the Primary Mathematics curriculum we aim to ensure that our pupils become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, that they will be able to reason mathematically and solve problems by applying their mathematics. We also aim to help pupils understand how mathematics is essential to everyday life.
Our Maths end point document (see below) helps to ensure that Mathematics teaching includes relevant content and that there is progression across the year groups.
Scheme of Learning
At St. Andrew’s we use the Herts Essential Maths planning tool for Mathematics across the school. The scheme has a wealth of ideas to deepen and extend mathematical thinking for all learners. The aim of the Essential Maths sequences is to deliver carefully planned progression that ensures consistency.
Herts Essential Maths incorporates many adaptable activities and games, alongside use of mathematical manipulatives such as bead strings, tens frames, base 10 equipment and bar modelling to help secure children’s understanding of number.
Maths Fluency Sessions
One of the three aims of the Primary Maths Curriculum, is for children to become ‘fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice’ and for them to ‘develop the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately’.
To help achieve this, additional Maths Fluency sessions take place in Years 1 to 6 at least three times a week. These are short sessions of approximately 15 minutes, which focus on developing number fluency, as well as revisiting other mathematical concepts.
Multiplication Tables
Rapid recall of multiplication table facts can make a huge difference to children in their learning and the aim is for children to know their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. As well as teaching and regular practice of multiplication tables in class, our school subscribes to the Times Table Rockstars website for all children from Year 2 upward to help them practise at home.
Additional Maths Events and Activities
To help enthuse and excite our children in Maths, we participate in a range of additional Maths activities, some involving other schools. These include:
· The Primary Maths Challenge (Upper Key Stage 2)
· Year 5 Maths Challenge (organised by Herts for Learning)
· Barvember Challenges (organised by White Rose)
· Herts Essential Maths Christmaths and Easter Challenges
Parent Support
Evidence has shown that, as with reading and writing, the more involved parents/carers are in supporting their child’s learning in this area, the more rapid progress they make. However, you do not need extensive mathematical knowledge to support your child/ren’s learning and the support need not be repetitive sheets and booklets. It can and should be fun.
The following guides explain what your child is expected to know and understand at the end of each year, alongside some suggested activities which you could do to help your child towards these expectations.
- Parent guide to addition and subtraction (802.78KB)
- Parent guide to multiplication and division (404.97KB)
- Year 1 Maths Parent Support (394.64KB)
- Year 2 Maths Parent Support (317.70KB)
- Year 3 Maths Parent Support (190.32KB)
- Year 4 Maths Parent Support (188.27KB)
- Year 5 Maths Parent Support (187.08KB)
- Year 6 Maths Parent Support (203.30KB)