Parents’ Information
ParentView Extended Services Families First Families First is the term used in Hertfordshire for services that work together to support families who need extra help. These are also known as early help services. The Children’s Commissioner There are a number of resources for parents and carers available on the government website: …
The staff and governors at St Andrew’s believe that time missed from school cannot easily be made up and disrupts the learning cycle. This is frustrating and upsetting for children and can affect their confidence and self-esteem. At any point in the school year, skills and concepts will have been introduced, reinforced and practised. The …
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
All Hertfordshire maintained schools have a similar approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). We are supported by the Local Authority to ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school. Schools aim to be inclusive, with the needs of SEND …
Friends of St Andrew’s
The Friends of St Andrew’s aim to raise £10,000+ every year to supply the children with the extras the school is unable to provide. We organise the Summer Fete and Christmas Fayre, plus year round fundraisers like quiz nights, ice cream sales, school discos etc. Over the past few years the Friends have funded or part …
School Uniform
School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the school. These factors contribute to children’s wellbeing, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers. At St Andrew’s we use two local suppliers of uniform, AVM Schoolwear …
Meals & Milk
School Meals The current price is £3.35 per meal for KS2 children. Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 are entitled to a free school meal daily. Lunches are cooked on the premises and offer a varied and balanced choice of fresh food. Parents should inform the School of any allergies. Meals must be paid for …
Breakfast & After School Clubs
Much Hadham Pre-School provide Breakfast and After School care for ages three up to year 6 children. Our Breakfast Hours are 7.30 – 9.00am and includes breakfast. School children are walked to their class rooms for the 8.45am start. After School Club is 3.00 – 6.00pm and includes a snack and a light supper. We …
At St Andrew’s School Safeguarding is Everybody’s Responsibility At St Andrew’s CE Primary School, the health, safety and wellbeing of every child is our top priority. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and we expect all staff, governors and volunteers to share this commitment to safeguarding our pupils. We listen to …
Online Safety
At St Andrew’s we value the use of information and communication technologies to enhance learning and enjoyment across the whole curriculum. Teachers provide exciting opportunities for the children to experience new technologies, engaging creatively with their learning. The school promotes safe and responsible use of IT. All staff, governors, children, volunteers and visitors using either …
Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) can be contacted at If the school is forced to make an unplanned closure, or during holidays, any requests made may not be completed by our staff until the school reopens. This includes Subject Access Requests (SAR) under GDPR and Freedom of Information Requests. Due to the complexities of …
School policies cover every aspect of school life. Here are some of our most important policies for your reference. If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office. In October 2012, The Department for Education produced a ‘Statutory Policies for Schools’ document, which outlines the policies and …