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Home Learning

Weekly homework/home study

Teachers in Nursery and Reception set monthly ‘next steps’ for the children using Tapestry.

Teachers in Y1 set weekly tasks using Tapestry.

As well as ongoing reading, maths tasks and spelling activities, teachers in Y2 – Y6 will be setting home learning each week using a wide range of online resources available to the children including..

  • White Rose Maths
  • Times Tables Rock Stars
  • Purple Mash
  • Oak National Academy
  • BBC Bitesize
  • Use of Microsoft Teams to set assignments and share resources

Short term home study

All year groups:

As a school, we use the government approved remote learning programme called Oak National Academy.   This online classroom has been made by teachers to deliver high quality video lessons.  Please use the link below to access lessons specific to the year group of your child.

There will be a daily Maths, English and Foundation subject video with tasks.  Any home schooling your child completes, can be sent to and will be forwarded to their teacher.


Longer term ( in the case of whole school closure)

Teachers in Nursery and Reception will use Tapestry, an online journal to model learning and set tasks. Parents upload evidence of their children’s learning and teachers give regular feedback.

Teachers in Y1 – Y6 will use Microsoft Teams to deliver a full curriculum to the children in their class – 3 lessons per day – English, Maths and one other subject, following their medium term planning. This will be in addition to the expectation of daily reading, spelling/phonics practice and number patterns/times tables. Where the curriculum has been adapted to better suit remote learning, the children will cover any missed opportunities when they return to school.

Each assignment will be introduced by the teacher, with either written instructions or using a short pre-recorded video clip. The child will then have independent learning to access using  various resources, catering for a wide range of learning styles and strengths. Pupils who require differentiated work will be catered for. Completed work can be handed in through Teams and individual and whole class written/ verbal feedback will be given as necessary. Children and parents are encouraged to use the whole class chat facility to share their ideas and ask questions.

Each week the children will be invited to an informal whole class teacher feedback session via Teams – an opportunity to chat with their teacher about their learning and connect with their peers.

Pupil engagement will be monitored carefully. If a teacher has concerns about pupil engagement, they will call the family and offer support, compassion and understanding in these difficult times.

A  year group specific email address will be provided upon closure of the class. Should parents or carers have queries about any element of home learning. Teachers will check these and respond on a set time each day.

If parents wish to discuss something other than their child’s home learning with their class teacher, we ask that an email is sent to which will be passed on to the relevant member of staff.

Please let School know if your child does not have a suitable device at home from which to access their home learning.